WebAccess unavailable
(too old to reply)
Anthony Shaffer
2007-08-18 15:33:43 UTC
Just had some ds issues with my GW 6.5 server, had to have Novell dial in and restore the ds. Way out of my league on that repair, but here is part of the notes from the engineer:

"Restored ndo files.. Disabled sync. Did -xk2 -xk3 and backlinker process. Cleant replicas. Added replica and checked validity of CA server....valid. Told customer to unload and reload GRPWise modules....all fine."

Everything came up fine, mail is working from on-site fine, GWIA is up and processing inbound/outbound fine. Only problem is, I can't connect to WebAccess from off site, or by using private IP from on site. I get "can't establish a connection to the server" error.

Unloaded/reloaded WA, no change. When it loads, I get the following lines in the log (site-spec. info is redacted, but all is valid for my site):

08-17-07 14:23:51 ***** WebAccess Configuration Information *****
08-17-07 14:23:51
08-17-07 14:23:51 General Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:51 Agent Version: 6.5.4 (2/8/2005)
08-17-07 14:23:51 Gateway Home Directory: {SERVERNAME}/{VOL}:\GRPWISE\GWDOM\WPGATE\WEBAC65A
08-17-07 14:23:51 NetWare Clustering: Disabled
08-17-07 14:23:51 Server Platform: Novell NetWare 5.70
08-17-07 14:23:51 SNMP: Enabled
08-17-07 14:23:51 Work Directory: SYS:SYSTEM\tmpFiles
08-17-07 14:23:51
08-17-07 14:23:51 Log Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:51 Log File: {SERVERNAME}/{VOL}:\GRPWISE\GWDOM\WPGATE\WEBAC65A\000.prc\0817web.002
08-17-07 14:23:51 Log Level: NORMAL
08-17-07 14:23:51 Max Log File Age (days): 7
08-17-07 14:23:51 Max Log Disk Space (kb): 1024
08-17-07 14:23:51
08-17-07 14:23:51 Client/Server Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:53 IP Address: {DOMAIN.NAME.CORRECT} ({correctIP})
08-17-07 14:23:53 TCP Port for Incoming Connections: 7205
08-17-07 14:23:53 Client/Server over SSL: Disabled
08-17-07 14:23:53 WebConsole: Enabled
08-17-07 14:23:53 WebConsole Url: http://{correctIP}:7211
08-17-07 14:23:53
08-17-07 14:23:53 Performance Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:53 Processing Threads: 12 (Default)
08-17-07 14:23:53 Maximum users: 250
08-17-07 14:23:53
08-17-07 14:23:53 Document Cache Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:53 Cache Path: {SERVERNAME}/SYS:\SYSTEM\CACHE
08-17-07 14:23:53 ****************************************************************
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 WebAccess Server is ready for work

Looking at previous logs, everything is the same except for the lines after "Webconsole Url". The previous logs don't have the performance settings, I'm thinking because the WA module had not been unloaded and reloaded (?). I'm thinking that whatever is causing the "Unable to find the specified user" lines may also be the cause of the WA not establishing connections? Did a KB search on "unable to find the specified user" but only got TIDs about what to do when user IDs don't work at login; nothing about what to do when no login is avail...

Thanks for any assistance,
Danita Zanre
2007-08-18 16:59:49 UTC
Post by Anthony Shaffer
I can't connect to WebAccess from off site, or by using private IP from
on site. I get "can't establish a connection to the server" error.


This sounds more like the "web server" than the "webaccess agent" that is
causing problems. Look to see if apache, etc. is loading properly. If you
are actually getting a login page, and I'm misunderstanding, let me know.
Danita Zanre
Novell Support Forums Volunteer
Anthony Shaffer
2007-08-18 23:00:38 UTC
Thanks, Danita, for a quick and helpful response! I'll check that out and see...I thought the webaccess .ncf file was supposed to load apache for me, but maybe not...

Post by Anthony Shaffer
I can't connect to WebAccess from off site, or by using private IP from
on site. I get "can't establish a connection to the server" error.


This sounds more like the "web server" than the "webaccess agent" that is
causing problems. Look to see if apache, etc. is loading properly. If you
are actually getting a login page, and I'm misunderstanding, let me know.
Danita Zanre
Novell Support Forums Volunteer
Anthony Shaffer
2007-08-18 23:25:28 UTC
Yargh...I'm not sure what else to check...

I looked in sys\system and found ap2rsall.ncf, which is the following:

# Shutdown admin and webserver instances of apache

# shutdown admin
unload address space = adminsrv apache2

# restarts apache web server

apache2 restart

# Startup for the Apache Administration Server for Netware
# the -f specifies the config file name.

load address space = adminsrv apache2 -f sys:\adminsrv\conf\adminserv.conf -E sys:\adminsrv\logs\startup.err -n "Apache2 Web Manager"
java -classpath sys:\adminsrv\webapps\apacheadmin\web-inf\lib\ApacheAdmin.jar;$CLASSPATH com.novell.application.apacheadmin.APCheck -port 2211 -command "admsrvup -bypass" %1

Looks like what I want, so I run the ncf, get happy-looking results, including a console screen for "Apache 2.0.52 for Netware" However, when I bring it up, it says "hit any key to continue" and if I hit any key, the console screen goes away. None of this, btw, results in a renewed ability to connect to the web server...sigh...I then try ap2webup.ncf

# Startup for Apache Web Server for Netware
# This is called from autoexec.ncf

# Make sure that httpstk isn't listening on 80
httpcloseport 80 /silent

load apache2 -E sys:\apache2\logs\startup.err

No change...

I know I'm in over my head, just not sure which way to tread water <grin>
Post by Anthony Shaffer
I can't connect to WebAccess from off site, or by using private IP from
on site. I get "can't establish a connection to the server" error.


This sounds more like the "web server" than the "webaccess agent" that is
causing problems. Look to see if apache, etc. is loading properly. If you
are actually getting a login page, and I'm misunderstanding, let me know.
Danita Zanre
Novell Support Forums Volunteer
Danita Zanre
2007-08-20 19:45:12 UTC
Post by Anthony Shaffer
I know I'm in over my head, just not sure which way to tread water <grin>
I see you found it - expired certificate?

I had this happen at a client site recently too. The way we ultimately saw
it was tomcat - Apache really didn't tell us why it wouldn't load, but
Tomcat clearly mentioned a problem with the cert, and that pointed us in the
right direction!
Danita Zanre
Novell Support Forums Volunteer
Anthony Shaffer
2007-08-19 23:19:52 UTC
Tracking it down...here's some of the error log from sys\apaceh2\logs:

[Wed Oct 04 08:07:08 2006] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Wed Oct 04 16:06:51 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.52 (NETWARE) mod_jk/1.2.6a PHP/5.0.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Mon Dec 04 08:06:51 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.52 (NETWARE) mod_jk/1.2.6a PHP/5.0.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Aug 16 08:11:38 2007] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu Aug 16 08:19:00 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Thu Aug 16 18:59:57 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Thu Aug 16 19:10:28 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:02:55 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:09:55 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:18:46 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:22:02 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:22:34 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sun Aug 19 18:46:25 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
Post by Anthony Shaffer
I can't connect to WebAccess from off site, or by using private IP from
on site. I get "can't establish a connection to the server" error.


This sounds more like the "web server" than the "webaccess agent" that is
causing problems. Look to see if apache, etc. is loading properly. If you
are actually getting a login page, and I'm misunderstanding, let me know.
Danita Zanre
Novell Support Forums Volunteer
Tim Heywood NSC SYSOP
2007-08-20 20:46:13 UTC
Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200,

This imply's that the certificates have expired. Is your CA good?

Use PKIDIAG to rebuild the KMOs

Run the PKIDIAG, login, then choose 4,5,6,0

Once finished - restart apache and you should be good to go...

On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 23:19:52 GMT, "Anthony Shaffer"
Post by Anthony Shaffer
[Wed Oct 04 08:07:08 2006] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Wed Oct 04 16:06:51 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.52 (NETWARE) mod_jk/1.2.6a PHP/5.0.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Mon Dec 04 08:06:51 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.52 (NETWARE) mod_jk/1.2.6a PHP/5.0.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Aug 16 08:11:38 2007] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu Aug 16 08:19:00 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Thu Aug 16 18:59:57 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Thu Aug 16 19:10:28 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:02:55 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:09:55 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:18:46 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:22:02 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sat Aug 18 19:22:34 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
[Sun Aug 19 18:46:25 2007] [crit] (10022)Unknown error: make_secure_socket: for address {serverIP} port 2200, WSAIoctl: (SO_SSL_SET_SERVER)
Configuration Failed
Post by Anthony Shaffer
I can't connect to WebAccess from off site, or by using private IP from
on site. I get "can't establish a connection to the server" error.
This sounds more like the "web server" than the "webaccess agent" that is
causing problems. Look to see if apache, etc. is loading properly. If you
are actually getting a login page, and I'm misunderstanding, let me know.
Tim Heywood (SYSOP)
(God's Country)

In theory, practice and theory are the same
In Practice, they are different

Anthony Shaffer
2007-08-19 23:33:06 UTC
Thank you *so* much for pointing me in the right direction, Danita!

Dug around, dug around, found the error log, checked the KB, recreated the PK, and all is very well!

Thanks again!
Just had some ds issues with my GW 6.5 server, had to have Novell dial in and restore the ds. Way out of my league on that repair, but here is part of the notes from the engineer:

"Restored ndo files.. Disabled sync. Did -xk2 -xk3 and backlinker process. Cleant replicas. Added replica and checked validity of CA server....valid. Told customer to unload and reload GRPWise modules....all fine."

Everything came up fine, mail is working from on-site fine, GWIA is up and processing inbound/outbound fine. Only problem is, I can't connect to WebAccess from off site, or by using private IP from on site. I get "can't establish a connection to the server" error.

Unloaded/reloaded WA, no change. When it loads, I get the following lines in the log (site-spec. info is redacted, but all is valid for my site):

08-17-07 14:23:51 ***** WebAccess Configuration Information *****
08-17-07 14:23:51
08-17-07 14:23:51 General Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:51 Agent Version: 6.5.4 (2/8/2005)
08-17-07 14:23:51 Gateway Home Directory: {SERVERNAME}/{VOL}:\GRPWISE\GWDOM\WPGATE\WEBAC65A
08-17-07 14:23:51 NetWare Clustering: Disabled
08-17-07 14:23:51 Server Platform: Novell NetWare 5.70
08-17-07 14:23:51 SNMP: Enabled
08-17-07 14:23:51 Work Directory: SYS:SYSTEM\tmpFiles
08-17-07 14:23:51
08-17-07 14:23:51 Log Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:51 Log File: {SERVERNAME}/{VOL}:\GRPWISE\GWDOM\WPGATE\WEBAC65A\000.prc\0817web.002
08-17-07 14:23:51 Log Level: NORMAL
08-17-07 14:23:51 Max Log File Age (days): 7
08-17-07 14:23:51 Max Log Disk Space (kb): 1024
08-17-07 14:23:51
08-17-07 14:23:51 Client/Server Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:53 IP Address: {DOMAIN.NAME.CORRECT} ({correctIP})
08-17-07 14:23:53 TCP Port for Incoming Connections: 7205
08-17-07 14:23:53 Client/Server over SSL: Disabled
08-17-07 14:23:53 WebConsole: Enabled
08-17-07 14:23:53 WebConsole Url: http://{correctIP}:7211
08-17-07 14:23:53
08-17-07 14:23:53 Performance Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:53 Processing Threads: 12 (Default)
08-17-07 14:23:53 Maximum users: 250
08-17-07 14:23:53
08-17-07 14:23:53 Document Cache Settings:
08-17-07 14:23:53 Cache Path: {SERVERNAME}/SYS:\SYSTEM\CACHE
08-17-07 14:23:53 ****************************************************************
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 Unable to find the specified user
08-17-07 14:23:53 WebAccess Server is ready for work

Looking at previous logs, everything is the same except for the lines after "Webconsole Url". The previous logs don't have the performance settings, I'm thinking because the WA module had not been unloaded and reloaded (?). I'm thinking that whatever is causing the "Unable to find the specified user" lines may also be the cause of the WA not establishing connections? Did a KB search on "unable to find the specified user" but only got TIDs about what to do when user IDs don't work at login; nothing about what to do when no login is avail...

Thanks for any assistance,