Remove DS from WebAccess server and then add it back again.
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Automatic Reply
2008-12-16 18:43:53 UTC

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Your Novell Product Support Forums Team
Tim Heywood NSC SysOp
2008-12-18 08:25:56 UTC
We are trying to troubleshoot a problem with our GroupWise Webaccess
server. It is a Netware 6.5 SP6 server, that is running the GW
Webaccess Agent and a secondary GW Domain for webaccess (no Post Offices
directly connected to this Domain). This server is missing several of
it's eDirectory objects, and we are looking to correct this problem as
easily as possible. The suggestion is to just remove this server from
the Tree, and then re-add it again. However, we do not know what effect
this may have on the GroupWise Webaccess agent or Domain, or what effect
it will have on the Apache and Tomcat on this server?? I have posted
this question on the eDirectory Forum, as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
GroupWise will not be effected as the only direct interaction (at this
point) would be the MTA sync, and as there are no POs on this domain this
can be ignored


